There's always somebody.
It could be the family,the lover or one of your friends.
It's nice to have someone being there whenever you need him.
I still remember the first time I met Frank.
He's quite quiet, and a little shy.
I supposed that was because he was exactly this kind of person.
After the first meeting,
I saw him from time to time in the parking lot.
Finally, I spoke to him to break the silence between us.
As the way he's used to be,
his face revealed his not knowing to do with my surprising greeting.
But, that was a good start.
Since then, we began to say "hi" and had some short chats when we met each other.
The words he said to me was getting more and more.
And the way he acted was turning into the one he treated to a friend.
Finally, we were getting to know each other more than just sociality.
The personal feelings were also involved.
He would drop me mails to share his experiences.
I would have some calls to gossip the top secrets.
We were just like the naughty children feeling excited about this relationship.
After my leave,
the only connection between us is always via the mails.
his consideration is never getting reduced with the decreasing interactive frequency.
He would want to know if I had a great life in Realtek.
If he heard some negative responses from my side,
he never hesitates to tell me how good I am.
Am I that good as he thought me to be?
I'm not certain for this.
his cheers would inspire me to believe that I can be that good in some days.
This is what friends do.
This is Frank, my dear friend.
- Aug 25 Fri 2006 10:09
There's always somebody!